It is one of the communication strategies implemented to inform the public or target audience about a product, person, institution or service.
These are short films that companies or their products make using tools such as newspapers, magazines, posters, TV, and the internet.
It is a technique used in promotional and advertisement films, for displaying products, services, indoor or outdoor spaces from the air.
It is a video visualization work for music works whose clip shooting, arrangement, mastering and mixing processes are completed.
These are short films that are educational and instructive quality and audiovisual, made or made by various non-governmental organizations such as institutions and foundations.
These are the articles in which the actor and technical staff of the movie are introduced at the beginning or end of a movie, in short, the persons or institutions that have contributed.
Information graphics or info graphics are graphs that visually display information, data and knowledge.
These are video recordings taken using a versatile camera or a camera collection, where an image is recorded at the same time.
It is the name given to the fast-spreading vieos through the internet sharing of a video, usually on vdeo sharing sites, via social media and e-mail.
Text prepared to be a guide for filming.
Detecting images on film for cinema or television.
It is the name given to the task of joining parts to form a whole.
Making the desired music or sound real for movie, advertisement, video.